
After an initial period of getting the foundations in place to support constructive conversations, your Leadership Team will be needing to plan further improvement.  The starting point must be an understanding of the current Strengths and Opportunities in the system of management.

Once your enterprise has stabilised a little, or maybe it’s running well and your leadership team are confident and competent, it’s time to ‘go up to the balcony’ and take a holistic view things.  Colin will guide your team through a half-day process using a Business Excellence Framework to evaluate what they do well, and where the opportunities lie for significant further refinement in their system of management.  This is done in a carefully facilitated workshop which is designed to lift understanding of excellence each time the team undertake it.  It’s not uncommon for leaders to make comments like, “That was the most valuable investment of our time as a leadership team this year” when they reflect on the insights that come from this experience.

The outcome from this workshop is then validated by analysis, site visits, and interviews with a cross-section of staff. This ensures a level of objectivity and comparability with other organisations of similar maturity.  The findings are distilled into a report which ensures that strategic decisions are based on a holistic understanding of excellence in the particular business context.  Clients often repeat this process every one or two years to sustain their rate of improvement and stimulate their learning.